Thursday, May 23, 2013
Is your reputation holding you back?

Sunday, January 2, 2011
The 50 Best Careers of 2011
Business Jobs:
--Financial adviser
--Financial analyst
--Meeting planner
--Public relations specialist
--Sales manager
--Training specialist
Creative and Service Jobs:
--Commercial pilot
--Film and video editor
--Gaming manager
--Heating, air conditioning and refrigeration technician
--Multimedia artist
--Technical writer
Healthcare Jobs:
--Athletic trainer
--Dental hygienist
--Lab technician
--Massage therapist
--Occupational therapist
--Physician assistant
--Physical therapist
--Physical therapist assistant
--Radiologic technologist
--Registered nurse
--School psychologist
Social Service Jobs:
--Court reporter
--Education administrator
--Emergency management specialist
--Marriage and family therapist
--Medical and public health social worker
--Special-education teacher
--Urban planner
Technology Jobs:
--Biomedical engineer
--Civil engineer
--Computer software engineer
--Computer support specialist
--Computer systems analyst
--Environmental engineering technician
--Environmental science technician
--Network architect
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
10 Ways To Stay Employed
Keeping informed of your industry standards and practices should be commonplace but not everyone does. Give yourself a leg-up by knowing what the current and upcoming industry trends are. Stay up to date with certifications and licensures too.
2. Remain discreet with company information:
If you wish to be viewed as trustworthy then be trustworthy. Client lists, meetings, salaries, and the like are not common knowledge within most organizations. If you are privy to this level of information, keep it to yourself.
3. Know where to draw the “social” line:
It’s a fact that we spend the majority of our waking hours with our coworkers, naturally when spending an enormous amount of time with the same people on a daily basis you’re going to form some level of a personal relationship. Although it’s important not to alienate those you work with, it is just as important to realize that you were hired to do a job and that needs to come first.
4. Don’t make things personal:
If your boss or a coworker is having a bad day, or you have a gossipy coworker, do not make these situations personal. Again, you were hired to do a job and doing your job in the most professional manner possible will reflect favorably upon you.
5. Understand criticism:
There will inevitably be times when you encounter coworkers or bosses that are critical for the sake of being critical. But more often than not you will receive critique. Understanding the differences between criticism and critique will only benefit you.
6. Be competent:
Competence is not only the ability to complete tasks and assignments it is also the ability to speak up when you do not understand a given task. A truly competent employee is one that completes assignments correctly; so do not be afraid to ask questions.
7. Be accountable:
If you were given a responsibility and failed to follow through, be accountable for it. You will find that your boss is going to appreciate honesty far more then a random excuse.
8. Be willing to bend and “pitch-in.”:
If a contract or project requires some overtime and possibly taking on tasks that are not a normal part of your job, rest assured you will not make any points by sitting back. Pitching in during a deadline or on a project will be remembered.
9. Cross-train:
It has become standard practice to cross-train employees but not every company does this with every employee. Do not be afraid to learn someone else’s responsibilities. That is not to say that you should attempt to “steal” a coworker’s job, it is more about learning the various responsibilities of your coworkers to become a well-rounded employee.
10. Drop the attitude:
You are the employee, hired by an employer. No matter how well you do your job, the length of time that you have been at a company, or how loyal you are, you are in fact replaceable.
©2010 Cultivating Careers
Monday, July 5, 2010
Cell Phone Etiquette
©2010 Cultivating Careers
Monday, June 21, 2010
Are You Guilty Of TMI?

We spend more time with our co-workers than with our own families. At work we often share lunches, dinner after late evening meetings and even an occasional after work cocktail. So it’s kind of difficult to avoid discussing some personal matters with colleagues. Our colleagues sometimes know about major life events before other people in our lives.
But, there are valid reasons for not sharing personal information with your co-workers. People will think nothing of repeating what you’ve told them and others with purposefully use that information with malice. Are you sure, which of co-worker’s can keep your personal life private?
©2009 – 2010 Cultivating Careers
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Taking Charge Of Your Career

©2009 – 2010 Cultivating Careers
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Marketing on a shoestring budget

Maintain your integrity with everything that you do, maintain contact with former colleagues, co-workers and employers and absolutely network with others in your chosen industry.
©2010 Cultivating Careers
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Overcoming The Interview Jitters

Start with researching yourself.Ask yourself:
- What tasks does this position require?
- Do I possess those skills?
Why am I a good candidate for this job?
- You’ll know whether or not you qualify for the position.
- If it’s a field that you wish to pursue, you’ll realize that you may need more training.
- When the questions are asked during the interview, you’ll already have the answers.
Research the company.
©2009-2010 Cultivating Careers
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
5 Tips For Managing Stress At Work

1. Plan your activities
It is important to timetable responsibilities, both on a daily basis and long-term. Plan out the, what, why, how, when, and who will do the job.
2. Organize your time on a daily basis
Make a list of issues; give priority to the most important or the most pressing issues.
At the end of each day check what you’ve completed. If you find that certain tasks or issues are not being addressed, re-evaluate your list.
3. Don’t hesitate to ask
In the fast paced world of today’s workplace, tasks and responsibilities often change. It is hardly a black mark against you to ask a question if you are unsure. However, not getting clarification and failing to deliver, will be.
4. Contribute to a positive environment at work
Be open for discussions, have a good communication with others and do not be afraid of positive critique. Keep in mind individual differences, some people perform better under pressure, others need more time to organize their work. Knowing the work style of your colleagues is a positive when a project needs to be completed.
5. Take a break and delegate
Yes, you are allowed to take a breather. Break for a few minutes in the middle of the day. For any Type A personality, delegating responsibilities can be tricky. But learning to delegate responsibility is necessary unless you prefer burnout.
©2010 Cultivating Careers
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Something To Think About

©2010 Cultivating Careers
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Personal Ethics in Business
What is personal ethics? Ethics is defined as moral principles or practices. Therefore, to be ethical in our personal or professional life it is the practice or conformity to the moral norms and standards within society. How do we learn these moral norms and standards? Our parents teach us right from wrong as we are growing up, but is that really enough for our personal and professional lives in today’s society. Do we stand up for our moral principles within the work place when we see individuals stealing from the company or committing other acts that we know are wrong? Has there become a line between personal and professional ethics in today’s business world? Can we sacrifice our personal integrity for our professional integrity? Respect of others is the basis of all relationships and is a crucial element of our personal integrity and our professional as well. Therefore, this creates a world of difference between respectfully trying to change someone’s opinion by trying to impose our personal moral judgments on another who may not share our morals. Just because this person doesn’t share our moral perspective does it make them wrong?

Integrity in our personal and professional lives should be a choice rather than an obligation and convey to others our sense of wholeness and strength. As we are guided in our daily lives by the following principles or virtues of: compassion, dependability, loyalty, maturity, objectivity, respect, trust and wisdom it empowers us to behave consistently to the high standards which we set for ourselves. Our personal integrity is the basic foundation on which we build our professional lives allowing our words and deeds to align with the ethical standards of the organizations in which we work. Does this mean that we need to sacrifice our integrity for a business that does not practice their ethical standards? Many times it is challenging for organizations to maintain adherence to their own ethical standards due to the pressures of maintaining a profitable business. Does this condone acceptance of breaking our personal or professional ethics? We as professionals need to be aware of these actions against ethical practices and have the courage to act in that moment to hold out for the organization to come into alignment with the stated ethics policy for the good of the integrity of all involved.
Integrity in the business world will always be tested and in these challenging times we need the courage to ask the right questions to guide others toward the right answers. The indicators of integrity are as follows: open to feedback, accepts personal responsibility, balances one’s needs with the needs of others, practices understanding and compassion, seeks the advice of others, respectful of views that are different, acts with integrity even when it is inconvenient, keeps agreements, and knows the difference between humor and hostility. The use of ethical personal and professional behaviors within the organization helps our personal success and enhances the value of the organization in the process. The use of ethical behavior creates an environment in which all have respect and personal dignity.
As leaders to have others interact with us in an ethical manner, we need to have these qualities as well. Habits can be changed or modified to maintain a high ethical standard in our personal and professional lives. These habits are very simple actions such as: always being honest in all our relationships, be kind to everyone regardless of time, place, person or circumstances, generous and unselfish with everyone you come into association with, cheerful and optimistic under all circumstances, never slander another person for any reason, make sure all transactions have a benefit for all involved, practice the belief that love in stronger than hate, and right is more powerful than force. If all were to be honest with self and everyone else we would all have greater courage and self-confidence to live our personal codes of ethics in our professional lives. It would allow us to achieve greater success in our careers and personal lives as well.
©2010-Mary Bignall
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Your Good Name?
Your reputation is the best asset you have!

To avoid reputation-damaging actions, here are a few pitfalls to pay attention to:

Be Conscientious About Your Online Activities
Honor Your Obligations And Balance Them
Be Genuine, Trustworthy and Loyal
Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
© 2009 YP Mazzulo
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Online Networking Basics

At this point, you will have your profile fairly well finished and you can begin to seek out members to invite into your network. Online networking is not always easy to start because it makes us vulnerable to others and pulls us out of our comfort zone. It doesn’t matter whether you are naturally outgoing or extremely shy. Acceptance and or rejection are as much a part of networking as is job interviewing.
©2009-2010 YP Mazzulo
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Top 5 Job Search Mistakes
2. Expecting someone else to do the work.
3. Overlooking networking opportunities and not being prepared for them.
4. Hitting the launch button on a massive scale.
©2010 YP Mazzulo
Friday, December 18, 2009
Maintaining Your Online Network & Professional Presence

Friday, December 11, 2009
Basics of Professionalism
Be Punctual. Sure it may seem basic, but arriving on time is a way to show your employer, co-workers and yourself that your appreciate and respect your job.
Address With Respect. Always show those around you that you recognize their accomplishments and positions in the company. You can easily do this without being a suck up; it never hurts to notice other’s achievements.
Keep A Neat Work Area. It is easy to get caught up in the “organized chaos” mentality by telling others that your work area is fine and YOU know where everything is, but a neat desk shows that you take pride in your self-presentation.
Work On Pronunciation. It may sound odd, but improving your speaking skills is a great way to sound like you know what you are talking about. Communicating correct information poorly still sounds incorrect. Speak Clearly.
Be Confident. This one is big. Being confident doesn’t mean act like you know everything. Rather be confident. If you are unsure of information, you are sure that you can get it. “I will get you that information,” sounds better than, “Um, I don’t know for sure” or “It is this way I think.” Be sure to convey it in your voice as well.
Listen Attentively. When someone is taking time to speak to you, or you are being given instructions, give them full attention. Be it your boss or the custodian telling you to watch a slippery floor, do them the courtesy of simply paying attention.
Dress Properly. I could write a novel about this one! You should adhere to dress code; the outfit that you wore to the nightclub is not appropriate for the office. Make sure that your shirt is tucked, all button/snaps fastened, zippers zipped, and flaps secured. Looking sloppy and unkempt projects that you are a sloppy employee.
Embrace Constructive Criticism. Yes this one is tough for all of us, but learning from mistakes is the best teacher. Hearing that you have made a mistake from others is often harder. Remember though, if the opinion is only for your benefit, you’ve nothing to gain but success.
© 2009-2010 YP Mazzulo
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Office Party Etiquette

First things first, find your host. Thank them and take advantage of the opportunity to chat, but don't monopolize their time. Socialize and introduce yourself to someone you don't know. It may turn out to be someone who can help you on that next project or just someone who turns out to be an interesting person. If you haven't eaten yet, go ahead and sample a few items from the buffet. Be sure to select things you can eat neatly, with one hand, while standing up. If you are consuming alcohol, choose foods high in starch and protein that will help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. Be mindful of the amount of alcohol you consume! It is a business event first and a party second. If there is a particular individual that you’ve been interested in meeting, do your homework ahead of time so you can speak with them about their division's newest release, or their favorite sports team, or the play you saw last week. You can talk business, but don't "talk shop". After an appropriate interval, excuse yourself and move on.
When you have spoken to all or most of the bosses, coworkers, and new people you planned to, gracefully leave. As you leave, thank your host for the enjoyable evening.
Most importantly, if you made any verbal commitments to any of the people at the holiday party, make sure to follow up on them. Write them down as soon as you get in the car or taxi.
©2009 –YP Mazzulo
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
360° View Job Search

The Internet is an excellent avenue in which to set a professional presence. Investing time in a professional profile and seeking online contacts set the stage but those things alone will not get you employment. You need to approach your job search from several sides.
Gather information from multiple sources. The Internet is good but what about reading the business section of the newspaper or listening to business programs? Companies that are hiring utilize multiple outlets and so should you. The newspaper and business programs will feature companies that are doing well and industries that have new ideas and projects.
Be prepared at all times. Don’t be shy about telling people that you are looking for work. Wherever you go you, tell people that you are seeking employment opportunities. Don’t say, “I’m looking for work right now.” Give it a spin, “I’m looking for my next best opportunity.” Work it into a conversation and convey it in a positive tone! If you mention the fact that you’re seeking employment and you get a response, have an “on the spot speech” ready. Be specific and say what it is you are looking for. Remember to always carry your resume with you! If you don’t have a business card, make a “calling card.” If you have software like Microsoft Publisher, make a “calling card” that has your name, phone number and email address on it. If you don’t have publishing software, Vistaprint is an inexpensive way to get cards made. A “calling card” makes it very convenient to exchange your contact information.
Networking is essential to job seeking and one’s career. I have done this throughout my career and am fortunate to have some awesome contacts to call upon. Take the time to make face-to-face connections. You’ll probably find a section that lists all sorts of groups in your local newspaper. Quite a few of them are business oriented. Meetup.com lists every type of group that you can imagine. Don’t limit your networking solely to business-focused groups. If you have a hobby, join a group. You may just meet someone who can lead to your next job.
Volunteer! It is so rewarding for both the volunteer and the recipient of service. Realizing that looking for a job can be a fulltime job in itself, making an effort to volunteer somewhere with in your community is multipurpose. You’re helping your community but you’re also receiving the benefit of sharing your skills and keeping those skills sharp. In regard to benefiting your employment, employers do look at your volunteer work and the availability to network through volunteering is huge.
Employers/Hiring Managers can receive hundreds of résumés for one position. This makes it difficult to get noticed. Get a little creative. Experiment with different styles of résumés and ways to deliver that résumé.
In a tough economy, no one can afford be passive about their job search. Our current job market is tight but not necessarily hopeless.
©2009 Cultivating Careers