Monday, June 21, 2010

Are You Guilty Of TMI?

TMI – Too Much Information

We spend more time with our co-workers than with our own families. At work we often share lunches, dinner after late evening meetings and even an occasional after work cocktail. So it’s kind of difficult to avoid discussing some personal matters with colleagues. Our colleagues sometimes know about major life events before other people in our lives.

But, there are valid reasons for not sharing personal information with your co-workers. People will think nothing of repeating what you’ve told them and others with purposefully use that information with malice. Are you sure, which of co-worker’s can keep your personal life private?
If you have never experienced backlash from personal issues shared with the workplace, consider yourself fortunate. Keep in mind that when you chose to share personal information, especially information that shows your weaknesses, you may be exposing your Achilles heel. If you’re in a managerial position you’re going to lose the respect of your underlings and if want to get to a managerial position you may shoot yourself in the foot. It’s not rude or a lack of manners to forgo sharing your private life, its simply good judgment. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t exchange pleasantries, be social or share positive life events but learn the happy medium.
Beyond what you verbally share.
For those utilizing social media outlets such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc., how much personal information is too much? To find out the answer, it might be a simple as Googling your own name.
My Google experience was a little shocking, not because of any scandalous content but I was very surprised to see everything that I’d ever posted on Twitter, show up on Google! Thankfully, I erred on the side of caution.
I have profiles on a few networking sites and people will still ask what I do for living. I’m okay with that because that let’s me know that I haven’t disclosed too much information. When you post things on the Internet it becomes part of cyber abyss. The Internet is not your backyard, it is worldwide, GOLBAL!
If you wouldn’t want something that you’ve said or done to be on the evening news, then why would you post it? I could cite all the places on the Internet that state employers are checking on you but it would take me longer to reference them then for you to look for yourself.

©2009 – 2010 Cultivating Careers

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