©2009-2010 Cultivating Careers
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Conflict Resolution
©2009-2010 Cultivating Careers
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Personal Ethics in Business
What is personal ethics? Ethics is defined as moral principles or practices. Therefore, to be ethical in our personal or professional life it is the practice or conformity to the moral norms and standards within society. How do we learn these moral norms and standards? Our parents teach us right from wrong as we are growing up, but is that really enough for our personal and professional lives in today’s society. Do we stand up for our moral principles within the work place when we see individuals stealing from the company or committing other acts that we know are wrong? Has there become a line between personal and professional ethics in today’s business world? Can we sacrifice our personal integrity for our professional integrity? Respect of others is the basis of all relationships and is a crucial element of our personal integrity and our professional as well. Therefore, this creates a world of difference between respectfully trying to change someone’s opinion by trying to impose our personal moral judgments on another who may not share our morals. Just because this person doesn’t share our moral perspective does it make them wrong?

Integrity in our personal and professional lives should be a choice rather than an obligation and convey to others our sense of wholeness and strength. As we are guided in our daily lives by the following principles or virtues of: compassion, dependability, loyalty, maturity, objectivity, respect, trust and wisdom it empowers us to behave consistently to the high standards which we set for ourselves. Our personal integrity is the basic foundation on which we build our professional lives allowing our words and deeds to align with the ethical standards of the organizations in which we work. Does this mean that we need to sacrifice our integrity for a business that does not practice their ethical standards? Many times it is challenging for organizations to maintain adherence to their own ethical standards due to the pressures of maintaining a profitable business. Does this condone acceptance of breaking our personal or professional ethics? We as professionals need to be aware of these actions against ethical practices and have the courage to act in that moment to hold out for the organization to come into alignment with the stated ethics policy for the good of the integrity of all involved.
Integrity in the business world will always be tested and in these challenging times we need the courage to ask the right questions to guide others toward the right answers. The indicators of integrity are as follows: open to feedback, accepts personal responsibility, balances one’s needs with the needs of others, practices understanding and compassion, seeks the advice of others, respectful of views that are different, acts with integrity even when it is inconvenient, keeps agreements, and knows the difference between humor and hostility. The use of ethical personal and professional behaviors within the organization helps our personal success and enhances the value of the organization in the process. The use of ethical behavior creates an environment in which all have respect and personal dignity.
As leaders to have others interact with us in an ethical manner, we need to have these qualities as well. Habits can be changed or modified to maintain a high ethical standard in our personal and professional lives. These habits are very simple actions such as: always being honest in all our relationships, be kind to everyone regardless of time, place, person or circumstances, generous and unselfish with everyone you come into association with, cheerful and optimistic under all circumstances, never slander another person for any reason, make sure all transactions have a benefit for all involved, practice the belief that love in stronger than hate, and right is more powerful than force. If all were to be honest with self and everyone else we would all have greater courage and self-confidence to live our personal codes of ethics in our professional lives. It would allow us to achieve greater success in our careers and personal lives as well.