Showing posts with label Resolutions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Resolutions. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Conflict Resolution

Conflict within an office or group-type setting is inevitable and usually occurs when an individual is not obtaining what they want and are seeking to fulfill their own self-interest. Although inevitable, conflict can be minimized, diverted and/or resolved. Keeping these thoughts in mind is the first step towards conflict management and resolution.

It’s important to recognize the signs that are the beginnings of conflict: A few of which are, reduced communication, disagreements (regardless of issue), stealthily seeking power, subtle public statements, airing disagreements through media or public venues, increasing lack of respect, lack of discretion with sensitive organizational issues.

Searching for the causes of conflict is essential to be successful in resolving the conflict. Possible causes of conflict include conflict with self needs or wants that are not being met, personal values are being tested, perceptions are being questioned, assumptions are being made, knowledge is minimal, expectations are too high/too low, personality, race, or gender differences are present.

Obviously conflict is destructive when it takes attention away from other important activities. Conflict is harmful when it begins to undermine morale or self-concept, polarizes people and groups, leads to reduced cooperation or increases and sharpens differences. Conflict can occasionally lead to irresponsible or harmful behaviors such as attempts of defamation towards other’s character or qualifications.

Not all conflict is negative, however. Conflict is constructive when it results in clarification of important problems and issues, involves people in resolving issues that are important to them, brings about authentic communication, or helps release emotion, anxiety, and stress. Conflict can build cooperation among people through learning more about each other. When a group or team joins together in resolving the conflict it helps individuals develop understanding of their environment as a whole.

It is best to meet conflict head on. Be honest about concerns and agree to disagree. Understand that a healthy disagreement will build better decisions. Get rid of individual ego and let your team create - people will support what they help create. Discuss differences in values openly by communicating honestly - avoid playing "gotcha" type games. Groups often collaborate closely in order to reach consensus or agreement. The ability to use collaboration requires the recognition of and respect for everyone's ideas, opinions, and suggestions. Attempt to follow a few guidelines for reaching consensus such as avoid arguing over individual ranking or position. Present a position as logically as possible. Avoid "win-lose" statements. Discard the notion that someone must lose in order for all to win.

©2009-2010 Cultivating Careers

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are you a Victim or a Survivor?

Like most people, your life has changed in some way during the past months. Maybe, you lost your job, your savings has dwindle or you’ve been forced to cut back on leisure activities… perhaps even to the barest necessities. It seems unfair that the financial health of most of us is currently at risk due to the actions of others. Most of us are feeling stressed because is seems as though there is nothing that we can do to “fix it.” In times of stress people tend to rely upon familiar behaviors and ways of thinking. We tend to respond like victims or survivors.

How are you reacting to your current situation? Are you thinking of yourself as a victim of circumstance or as a survivor who will weather the storm?

The victim views a crisis situation as a threat. As a result, he or she becomes entrenched in feelings of fearfulness, helplessness, and hopelessness. Fearfulness, because they don’t know what lies ahead but they are convinced it isn’t good; helplessness, because they have lost control over the situation and don’t see any way of regaining control; and hopelessness, because to them the future looks pretty bleak, and there’s no light on the horizon. It’s difficult for a person who feels victimized to look forward to any source of pleasure or joy. He or she is paralyzed by their victim’s stance.

On the other hand, the survivor views the same situation as a crisis, but is able to move through their initial alarm to a state of mind that enables them to consider their options. They engage in the process that unfolds throughout the days, weeks and months. While fearfulness and helplessness may be elements of the process, they aren’t all of what he or she feels. The survivor’s stance is colored by hope. As they consider their options, their fearfulness diminishes because they realize that all is not lost. The survivor also realizes that they haven’t completely lost control over their situation, because if they’ve put their mind to it, they can begin to form a plan. This goes to the core of what it means to be a survivor, and is the main difference between the survivor and the victim.

The victims are wringing their hands and crying, “Woe is me!” The survivors are discovering that they have choices, both individually, and as part of a nation and a world. These choices can improve our situation. Victims are attempting to hold on to life, as they knew it before the crisis. Survivors are seeking to use their creativity to re-create their lives in very basic ways.

It’s not always easy to create new goals, to develop strategies for meeting those goals, and to stay focused enough to achieve desired changes. Sometimes we need someone to hold us accountable for the progress we say we want to make. Seek out the help of friends, family or even a mentor!

It is your choice whether you feel like a victim or a survivor. Allow yourself time to feel saddened by the loss of what you may have had, but let it be a survivor’s sadness. Don’t let it paralyze you and prevent you from seeking new opportunities!

Again, it is your choice!

©2009 – YP Mazzulo

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Friday, January 15, 2010

ICT Global Collaboration - The answer to fix the US economy?

John T. Chambers, Chairman & CEO, Cisco, USA states “Broadband access literally transforms the way we live, work, play and learn by providing unprecedented opportunities for people to communicate, access information, improve education and healthcare, enter new markets and expand the reach of businesses,” as part of his point of view toward The Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009. I think that Johnny states the obvious.

Now here come the boring stats. The Global Information Technology Report 2008-2009 from WEF ranks the U.S. in 3rd place, up from 4th in 2007-2008, on the Networked Readiness Index. The U.S. has ranked in the Top 10 on the NRI since 2001, and placed 1st three times during the past eight years. Based upon those stats, it’s probably safe to say that the U.S. holds a strong presence with Information and Commutations Technologies on the Global platform.

If we recognize that ICT plays a dominant role within the global community equating to global economy, it stands to reason that collaboration is necessary. The U.S. entered into a global economy long ago. Is it possible that the U.S. has had such tunnel vision that we’ve overlooked an approach to change the U.S. economy?

The World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2010 will take place January 27-31 in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. This humble Global citizen is curious to see the US ranking for 2010 but more interested in the ranking for 2011. Will the powers that be humble themselves and get the United States back on track?
©2009-2010 YP Mazzulo

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Sunday, November 15, 2009

Dealing with Negative People

When is the last time you had to deal with a negative person?

How did you handle it?

Did you attack back or navigate through the situation with grace?

Taking a moment to review a negative situation, while we’re calm, allows us to think about productive avenues for handling future negative people and situations. (Seriously reviewing any past situation allows us to think of better alternatives for the future.)
You may ask, why bother to have any forethought about our responses? The answer is simple; We damage ourselves by feeding into other people’s cycle of negativity!

Wherever we go, we are inevitably going to face people who are negative, people who oppose our ideas, people who piss us off or people who simply don’t like us. That’s the way life is, we are all, thankfully different. Our differences are not the cause of conflict but they do trigger our emotions. Our emotions are what drive us back to our basic survival instinct of React and Attack. But, we have the ability to keep our emotions in check and control our responses.

Have you ever noticed that negativity spreads? I’ve found that if I’m around a negative minded person, their negativity starts to affect my thoughts and judgments. I’ve learned that when people initiate negativity, it is a direct reflection of their obvious self-dissatisfaction. People are often so bored and unhappy with their own lives that they want to bring others down too. Reacting to someone who is negative will only trigger anger and additional negative responses from that person. If we do respond, we have wasted our energy upon the unproductive. Energy wasted on negative people is energy that could have been spent on a million other, far more important issues.

Some people may have a less than articulate way of expressing themselves, it may even be offensive, but they are still entitled to do so. They have the right to express their own opinions and we have the right and will power to choose our responses.

“If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day.” ~ Alex Noble

© 2009 YP Mazzulo
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