In today’s job market if you’ve won an interview, no matter your credentials, it was probably a hard win. So why blow the interview by committing a thoughtless mistake? You may believe that you’re aware of the obvious mistakes but it never hurts to double check.

~ Inappropriately dressed and groomed.You would think that most people would have a common sense approach towards dressing for an interview but you would be amazed. No matter what level of position you’re interviewing for, attention to your attire and grooming speaks volumes about your attention to detail. The first thing that I look at is a person’s nails. It may sound crazy but well-groomed nails are an indication of detail. How many of you just looked at nails?
~ Having a “you need me attitude.”Confidence is good—a dose of reality is better. Like or not it is an employer’s market. There are at least 100 other people just as qualified as you. Balance confidence and humility.
~ Having a “I need this job attitude.”Stand in line. So does everyone else. Desperation is hardly likely to appeal to anyone’s sense of philanthropy. You probably will leave a lasting impression but not the one you were hoping for.
~ Crickets.No matter how much research you have done about a company, it is impossible to have zero questions. When you leave that interview you probably are going to be remembered…as the idiot with no questions.
~ Horrible body language.Anxiously sitting forward as if you’re about to lunge on the interviewer or lounging in the chair and making yourself appear “way too much at home.”
~ Spilling it.Guess what? The Interviewer doesn’t care about your personal problems. Of course, if you start to “trash talk” your former employer or colleagues and just happen to share sensitive company information, the Interviewer might be interested in that, for their own use, but you won’t be getting an offer.
From my own archives:
One candidate arrived 20 minutes late, dressed in a filthy sweat suit.(Impressive) I scanned a candidate’s resume as I was interviewing them and I saw that the candidate was currently employed. It was 10 a.m. in the morning and I wondered why this person wasn’t at work. So I asked, “Why aren’t you at work today?” Their answer, “I needed a day to myself.”( Yeah, don’t we all??? )
A recent graduate from the local Secretarial school was recommended to me. They had no previous experience and that was okay. The candidate arrived on time, perfect resume, well dressed. The first words out of the candidate’s mouth were, “I can’t work for less than $18/ hour.”(I have to give myself credit for waiting until after the candidate left, before I broke into uncontrollable laughter. )
Interviewing for a driver:

Interviewing for an Administrative Assistant:
One candidate arrived 20 minutes late, dressed in a filthy sweat suit.(Impressive) I scanned a candidate’s resume as I was interviewing them and I saw that the candidate was currently employed. It was 10 a.m. in the morning and I wondered why this person wasn’t at work. So I asked, “Why aren’t you at work today?” Their answer, “I needed a day to myself.”( Yeah, don’t we all??? )
Next candidate. The very first words out of this person’s mouth, “How much does this job pay?” And then they proceeded to tell me,” I have a baby and I’m fighting with the father. Is there anyway for you to pay me under the table?”(Yes, I took the 2-martini lunch after that one.)
A recent graduate from the local Secretarial school was recommended to me. They had no previous experience and that was okay. The candidate arrived on time, perfect resume, well dressed. The first words out of the candidate’s mouth were, “I can’t work for less than $18/ hour.”(I have to give myself credit for waiting until after the candidate left, before I broke into uncontrollable laughter. )
Interviewing for a driver:
Clearly stated criteria: Valid Driver’s License and clean driving record is a must. I asked this candidate for their driver’s license and their response, “Oh, I don’t have a driver’s license. It got suspended because of a DUI but I’ll be getting it back in a few months.”(It goes without say, this person wasn’t hired.)
You may wonder why I shared a few stories with you. The interviews took place over 4 years ago and I can still remember the candidate’s names.
©2009-2010 YP Mazzulo
©2009-2010 YP Mazzulo
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